- (gas)
- -ness
- 00 space weed
- 1 lot
- 1spliff
- 3rd coast genetics
- 3saints
- 5 points cannabis
- 6.8.2 canadian cannabis
- 7 acres craft collective
- 7 farms down
- 7acres
- 18twelve
- 48north
- 514
- 1337 elite
- 1809 underground
- 1964
- abba medix
- abide + wholehemp custom blends
- a b laboratories inc.
- ace valley
- acreage pharms
- adults only
- affirma
- after hours
- all nations
- altavie
- always hi
- always toasted
- ambr
- ankr organics
- antidote
- apothecary botanicals
- ar.go
- arcticpharm organic
- argentia gold
- artisan batch
- artiznl
- ash premium
- astro boyz
- astrolab
- astronaut
- aurora
- avana
- back forty
- bake sale
- bambu select
- banter
- bargain brand
- battle river bud
- bc black
- bc doobies
- bc green
- bc legacy
- bc oz
- bc smalls
- bc weed co.
- because you cann
- beehighve
- be humble.
- beleave
- best kind
- big
- big bag o' buds
- big league
- bingo
- black kettle farms
- black ngl
- black rose organics
- blast
- blazery
- blazing saddles
- blendcraft
- bleuh
- blissco
- blissed
- blkmkt
- boast
- boaz
- bobs better buds
- bold
- bold glazed
- bonfire
- bonify
- bon jak
- bon voyage!
- boondocks
- boreal
- boxhot
- broken coast
- buckshot buds
- buddy blooms
- bud lafleur
- bullrider
- burb
- busted
- buzz'd
- bzam cannabis
- bzam dunn craft series
- cabana cannabis co.
- cactus
- cake & caviar
- cali
- caliber
- calinorth
- cali slimz
- calyptra light
- camp river cannabis
- canaca
- canaca bursts
- canaca darts
- canadian loud
- canadian pride
- cannabiomédic
- cannabis brothers
- cannabis cartel
- cannabis culture
- cannabis king
- canna connect
- canna farms
- cannjah
- cannjah pharm inc.
- cannmart
- cannons
- canwe
- captain's choice
- carmel
- castle rock farms
- catch me outside
- celebrity
- cheers cannabis
- chillbilly
- choice growers
- choklit park
- citizen stash
- citoyen
- classic legacy
- clem and co
- cloudy
- cloudz
- coastal connection
- coast mountain cannabis
- codeword cannabis
- color cannabis
- common ground
- community c/o purple hills
- compound genetics
- concept herbo
- contraband
- cookies
- costa canna
- coterie
- countryside cannabis
- cove
- covey hill
- craft bangers
- craft kings
- craftport cannabis
- craftport cannabis corp
- crafty by nature
- crondizzle
- crooked dory
- crushed
- cruuzy
- cspace
- cultures chloris
- current
- dab bods
- daily special
- daize
- dan's balance
- dank craft
- dank diner
- dank drops
- days cannabis
- dealr
- debunk
- deepvalue
- delta 9
- dg
- dime bag
- disco fsh
- disq
- distinkt
- divvy
- d lbs
- dlys
- dna genetics
- doja
- dom jackson
- dompen
- double j's
- double jointed
- dream co
- dry island
- dubon
- dunesberry farms
- dunn cannabis
- dykstra greenhouses
- dymond concentrates 2.0
- earthwolf farms
- eastcann
- eazy peezy
- eco canadian organic inc.
- ecotone
- edison cannabis co
- edison reserve
- el blunto
- el camino
- electric lettuce
- eleven eleven legacy craft
- elios reserve
- emblem
- emerald health therapeutics
- encore
- endgame
- epic cannabis co.
- epoch cannabis
- erie green
- even
- evidence
- eze
- f1ne
- farmstead
- far out crops
- fatcat
- favours
- feather
- figr
- fireside
- five founders
- flag trading co
- flat rock
- flavour club
- flavour club by the drip
- fleur de l'île
- fleurish
- fleurs de lise
- flint & embers
- floresense
- flower heads
- flowr
- flyte
- foenix
- foray
- four54
- four buds farms
- frank cbd
- fraser valley weed co
- freedom cannabis
- freedom reserve
- fresh
- frootyhooty
- frost cannabis
- fuego
- fuga
- full sesh
- fume
- gage cannabis co.
- garden city cannabis
- gas station
- general admission
- genuine by purplefarm
- ghost drops
- glacial gold
- gnomestar
- good buds
- good supply
- gorilla garden craft
- grail
- grasslands
- grass monkeys cannabis
- grdnwrks
- great gardener farms
- greazy
- greenade
- green house seed co.
- green joy
- greenlife
- greenman acres
- green mile original
- greenseal
- greybeard
- greyscales par lot420
- grimm bros. by kushkraft
- grind
- grizzlers
- grown here farms
- growtown
- h&s
- habitat
- halcyon
- handicraft
- handy dandies
- happy & stoned
- happy hour
- harts
- hasho
- haven st. premium cannabis
- hazo
- hazo outdoor
- hcbd organics
- headstone
- hemp pharms
- her.b
- herba farms
- herbal dispatch craft
- hexo
- hifeelu
- higgs
- high ladies
- highland grow
- highland special
- highly dutch organic
- high maintenance
- high note
- high plains
- high priestess
- highquadz
- high street cannabis
- high tide
- high value
- highxotic
- hiway
- hologram
- holy mountain
- homage
- homestead
- hot box
- house of haze
- houseplant
- hustle & shake
- hvt
- hwy 8 cannabis
- hwy 59
- hybrix farms inc
- hycycle
- hydrx
- icm air
- ideal green
- ignite cannabis
- indi
- indiva
- irie craft cannabis
- iris labs
- irony
- island genetics
- itopian
- j.r. strain
- jane & juice
- janny's flower
- jays
- jbuds craft cannabis
- jenn's og
- joi botanicals
- joints
- joint venture craft cannabis
- jonny chronic
- journey
- juicy hoots
- jwc
- k.o. by nightnight
- kalista
- kalumet
- kazoo
- keff
- khushi
- kingsway
- kinhana
- kiwi
- kizos culture
- kolab project
- kootenay quantum
- koots canna
- krazy krystal
- kronic
- kusa farms
- kushkraft
- kush mountain craft
- kwall
- lahoja organique of beauce
- lamplighter
- la seigneurie
- laurentian organic
- la voute
- lbs
- legend
- lemon and grass
- lemonnade
- level up
- leven
- liiv
- limited terp drops
- lite label
- litti
- little farma
- living cannabis
- lobo
- lord jones
- lot420
- lotus
- lotus cannabis co.
- loud & proud
- lowbanks grow
- lowkey
- loxl
- lunaire
- lunch
- lune rise farms
- lush
- lyoclean
- maamawi
- mailman
- major league extractions
- malahat mountain
- malvern's finest
- mariwell
- marley natural
- maryjane's
- max1000
- medipharm labs
- mediwanna
- melt
- mendo select
- mezzero
- microcannabi
- mill rite
- milly
- ministry of sativa
- minntz
- miracle valley
- monette genetics
- mood ring
- msiku
- mtl cannabis
- muskoka grown
- mystic milled
- mythos
- naked mummer
- nala pharms
- namaste
- natural history
- navaya
- nebulous
- next friday
- nith & grand
- no future
- noodz
- northbound cannabis
- northern canna
- northern green canada
- northern harvest
- northside grow co
- northside premium reserve
- nowadays
- noya cannabis
- nubium
- nueva+
- nugz
- nugz grind
- nugz reefers
- oceanic
- oddball
- ogen
- ohja
- okanna craft
- omy
- one leaf
- one world cannabis
- only micro growers
- ono
- ontario micro growers
- op
- orchard
- orchid cbd
- organnicraft
- original dankster
- original stash
- origin coast
- ostara medical
- other people's pot
- ouest
- p'tite pof
- palmetto
- palm gardens
- panhash
- panorama
- papa's herb
- papa joe
- paradise cannabis
- parcel
- parkland flower inc
- partake
- patient grown
- pawt shop
- pax era
- pecko
- peers cannabis
- pepe
- persy
- phant
- phant craft
- pharmabee
- pharmhill
- phyto
- phyto funk
- piff
- pineapple buds
- pinnrz
- piper's punch
- pistol and paris
- pixel
- plaid trout
- platinum vape
- polar
- poolboy
- pop's cannabis
- popcorn
- port north
- potluck
- pow wow cannabis
- prairie grass
- premium 5
- press cannabis
- pressed by qwest
- primeau craft cannabis
- primo
- promenade
- pura vida
- pura vida legacy
- purefarma
- purefire cannabis
- pure laine cannabis
- pure life cannabis corp.
- pure pulls
- pure rosin
- puresince
- pure sunfarms
- pure trichomes
- purplefarm
- purple hills
- qcgold tech
- queen of bud
- qwest
- qwest reserve
- rad
- re-up
- real j
- realj
- redecan
- red market brand
- redpill
- reef organic
- remo farms
- retro
- retro haze
- rgb
- riff
- rilaxe
- ripe flower
- ripped
- ritual gold
- ritual green
- rizzlers
- robinsons
- rocket factory
- rocky mountain cannabis
- roilty
- rollin tree topz
- roll model
- ross'gold
- rotogrown
- roxton air
- royal cannabis supply co.
- royal harvest
- royal high
- run the jewels
- safari flower co.
- safety meeting
- salad bar
- sana'a
- san rafael '71
- saturday
- sauce rosin labs
- seaweed
- seeker
- sensimila
- sev7n
- seven oaks
- sheeesh!
- shelter
- sherbinskis
- shinybud
- shred
- silk road
- silky continental
- simcoe bud
- simple stash
- simply bare
- sitka
- sixty seven sins
- skosha
- skunk pharm
- slerp.
- smoker farms
- smokes
- smoke show
- smoke that thunders
- snackbar
- snap back
- snicklefritz
- soar
- solei
- soul rebel
- souvenir
- sovereign
- space face
- space race
- spinach
- splitz
- starting point!
- starz
- stash city
- station house
- steel city green
- stewart farms
- sticky greens
- stigma grow
- stinky greens organic
- stoned
- stonehouse
- strain hunters
- strain rec
- strains limited
- stunnerz
- sublimeculture
- sugarbud
- sugarleaf
- sumo cannabis
- sundial
- sunfiction
- superflower
- supernova
- super toast
- sweetgrass cannabis
- sweet vengeance
- sweet weed
- symbl
- syndicate
- synr.g
- t 2.0
- table top
- tadu
- tam tams
- tantalus labs
- tasty's
- tenzo
- terpenology
- terp gush
- terpina flora
- terp town collective
- terra labs
- thc biomed
- the batch
- the bc budco
- the bc budco.
- the drip
- the green organic dutchman - tgod
- the high roller club
- the hunny pot
- the karma cup
- the legacy market
- the loud plug
- the republic
- the wild florist
- thinker
- thrifty
- thumbs up
- thunder spirit
- tical
- toasted
- tokanagan
- tokes
- tokyo smoke
- tommy's craft
- top leaf
- tops cannabis
- top up
- trailblazer
- treehugger
- tremblant cannabis
- tribal
- triple eh!™
- trippy sips
- true fire
- truro
- tuck shop
- twd
- tweed
- uncle bob
- uncommon cannabis co.
- under the sun
- undrground
- unit 15
- universe cannabis
- up
- upryze cannabis
- vacay
- valens
- valhalla flwr
- value buds
- van der pop
- vape breton
- verse originals
- versus
- verte west
- vertical
- vibe
- victoria cannabis company
- viola
- violet tourist
- viridis
- virtue cannabis
- vlc
- volo
- voodoo cannabis
- vortex
- voxpuffz
- wagners
- wayfarer
- wayne patrick
- weathered islands craft cannabis
- weedmd
- weed me
- weed me grind
- weed me limited batch
- weed me max
- weedon botanique
- weeds
- well made
- west coast gas
- west island
- whistler cannabis co.
- white ngl
- wholehemp
- wildcard extracts
- wildlife cannabis co.
- willowlabs
- windmill
- wink
- wola!
- woodstock
- woody nelson
- woodyz™
- xk
- xplor
- xscape
- your dealer
- yukon rove
- zest cannabis
- zip
- zombie bride
- zootd
- zyre
- Alpha-Pinene
- Bergamotene
- Beta-Pinene
- Bisabolol
- Camphene
- Carene
- Caryophyllene
- Cedrene
- Eucalyptol
- Eudesmol
- Farnesene
- Fenchol
- Geraniol
- Geranyl-Acetate
- Germacrene
- Guaiene
- Guaiol
- Humulene
- Limonene
- Linalool
- Menthol
- Myrcene
- Nerolidol
- Ocimene
- P-Cymene
- Phellandrene
- Santalene
- Selina-dienes
- Selinene
- Terpineol
- Terpinolene
- Valencene