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Jungle Fire Strain Info

Jungle Fire released by EZE is an indica-dominant hybrid commonly found in flower form. The strain lineage includes Jungle Mints and Jungle Cake. With terpenes like alpha-pinene, myrcene, caryophyllene, limonene, and linalool, it carries aromas and flavours of sweet, nuts, mint, and spice. The effects tend to be cerebral, euphoric, and happy/uplifted.

Terpene Profile of Jungle Fire


Strain Lineage of Jungle Fire

Jungle Mints x Jungle Cake

Common Effects of Jungle Fire

strainy Cerebral effect icon Cerebral
strainy euphoric icon Euphoric
strainy happy icon Happy/Uplifted

Jungle Fire Aromas

sweet aroma icon Sweet
Nuts aroma icon Nuts
Mint aroma icon Mint
Spices flavour icon Spice